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Monday, February 23, 2009

Blog Enhancement

Since I don't treat this blog as a livejournal where I pour out my fears and frustrations, and also since I have no specific area of expertise or even very many original ideas, this site has become fairly dependent on me reading novels and watching TV shows and movies. I can't do anything more about the novels (right now I'm stuck in the vast middle of John Irving's A Son of the Circus) but today I took a step toward ensuring that there will be more for me to talk about on this site.

I signed up for Netflix, so there should be plenty of movie reviews coming up. I must say that I had more fun making my queue than I probably will actually watching these movies. Deciding what I wanted to watch from thousands of options and putting them in order appealed to me in an unfathomable way. Do I want to see a bunch of Hitchcock movies in a row, or interspersed with other films?

I decided to break my queue up into recent movies I missed while in theaters and classics that I haven't seen. To that end my first two movies coming in are In Bruges and Chinatown.

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